Welcome to Rim of the World Unified School District!
Rim of the World Unified School District (ROWUSD) has three elementary schools, one middle school, one high school, and one continuation high school.
Please see the list of schools to the right. If you are enrolling a student in one of our elementary schools, please determine which school your student will attend by reviewing the boundary map. You will need to go to the school attendance office to begin the enrollment/registration process.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for obtaining and providing all required enrollment documents – see checklist below. Incomplete packets will not be accepted.
- Birth Parent or Court-Appointed Guardian must be present when enrolling the student. Students who age 18 or older, or are identified as homeless may enroll themselves.
- Documentation of Age: Prior to the admission of a student into the district, the parent/guardian shall present proof of the student’s age. Evidence may include:
- A birth certificate or a statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth
- A duly attested baptism certificate
- A passport
- When none of the foregoing is obtainable, the parent/guardian may provide any other appropriate means of providing the age of the student
- Proof of Residency - California Education Code 48204.1. A school district shall accept from the parent or legal guardian of a pupil reasonable evidence that the pupil meets the residency requirements for school attendance in the school district as set forth in Sections 48200 and 48204. Reasonable evidence of residency for a pupil living with his or her parent or legal guardian shall be established by documentation showing the name and address of the parent or legal guardian within the school district, including, but not limited to, one of the following documents is acceptable:
- Property tax payment receipts.
- Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipts.
- A utility service contract, statement, or payment receipts.
- Pay stubs.
- Voter registration.
- Correspondence from a government agency.
- Declaration of residency executed by the parent or legal guardian of a pupil if proof of residency is unavailable.
- Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a parent or legal guardian of a pupil to show all of the items of documentation listed in paragraphs (1) to (7), inclusive, of subdivision (a).
- Caregiver Affidavit (OPTIONAL): If you are a Caregiver, please download this document and bring it when you enroll your student
- Immunization Record: California law prevents students without proper immunizations or a physician waiver from enrolling in school.
- KINDERGARTEN and TK Requirements include:
- 4 Polio (three if one was on or after 4th birthday)
- 5 DTP (four if one was on or after 4th birthday)
- 2 MMR (Must have been received after 1st birthday or 3rd birthday - one is required)
- 3 Hepatitis B
- 2 Varicella (Or verification by a physician of having had the disease.)
- Please visit HERE for more information regarding immunizations.
- Incoming 7th-grade students must also provide proof of 2nd Varicella and proof of Tdap Booster received after the 7th birthday. Please visit HERE for more information regarding immunizations. California law prevents students without proper immunizations or a physician waiver from enrolling in school.
Welcome to Rim of the World Unified, now that your child is enrolled and in order to better serve you, please complete the registration process below.
- Registration Card: You will receive a registration card at the school or print it out here. Please complete (sign and date) all sections of this card.
- Academics: Provide the most recent report card or transcripts and, if enrolling during the school year, a withdrawal slip including transfer grades and last day enrolled at the previous school.
- Valid Email Address: Please provide the district with a valid email address for district/school communication to parent/guardian. The email address will also be used to set up Aeries Student Information account.
- Aeries Parent Portal: Once your student has been enrolled in Aeries, you will automatically receive an email with directions on how to complete the parent data confirmation. This process must be completed to ensure we have accurate emergency contact information. Your student will be unable to participate in field trips, dances, sports, and other extra-curricular activities if parent data confirmation is incomplete. Please click here for more information.
- Special Education (RSP/SAI, SDC, Speech, etc.) and 504s: If a student is in special education or has a 504 please submit the most recent IEP, psychological report, and/or 504. Registration of Special Education students without proper documentation will delay placement. The student will be enrolled in their previous special education or 504 program. A 30-day assessment will be conducted to review for proper placement.
- Student Standing: California Education requires that notification of a previous expulsion must be disclosed upon enrollment. The district may determine to deny enrollment, permit enrollment, or permit conditional enrollment in a regular school program or another educational program.
Charles Hoffman Elementary School
Grades Pre Kindergarten-5
2851 Running Springs School Road
Running Springs, CA, 92382
(909) 939-0006 x1002
CHE Website
Lake Arrowhead Elementary School
Grades Pre Kindergarten-5
1300 Golden Rule Lane
Lake Arrowhead, CA, 92352
(909) 336-0387 x311 or x304
LAE Website
Valley of Enchantment Elementary School
Grades Pre Kindergarten-5
22836 Fir Lan
Crestline, CA, 92325
(909) 589-0396
VOE Website
Rim Virtual Academy
(Home Choice / Independent Study)
Grades K-12
27380 Hwy 18
Lake Arrowhead, CA, 92352
(909) 744-9520
RVA Website
Mary Putnam Henck Intermediate School
Grades 6-8
730 Rhine Road
Lake Arrowhead, CA, 92352
(909) 336-0360 x307
MPH Website
Mountain High Continuation School
Grades 11-12
27380 Hwy 18
Lake Arrowhead, CA, 92352
(909) 744-9520
MHS Website
Rim of the World High School
Grades 9-12
27400 Hwy 18
Lake Arrowhead, CA, 92352
(909) 336-2038 x220
RHS Website