Dear Rim of The World Unified School District Parents/ Guardians,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year ROWUSD families! We have a terrific teaching staff and classified support staff at each school whose mission is to meet the diverse learning needs of every student. We want to provide you with a couple of important updates for the new school year.
Our schools offer numerous educational opportunities throughout the school year for parent involvement and welcome your participation. We encourage you to join our outstanding PTA program offered at each school that raises valuable funds to support student activities. Each school has a thriving School Site Council that values parent participation and provides valuable resources to support school programs. Your participation in school activities will make lasting memories for your child.
One of our district goals this year is to improve our school-to-home communication with families. The district hired a Community Outreach Coordinator this school year to support our school-to-home communication efforts. Our Community Outreach Coordinator will provide districtwide family outreach and timely communication on school programs and resources to support our families.
Our Board of Education unanimously approved a school bond measure (Measure E) to be placed on the November ballot for community consideration. The district has identified 114 million dollars of critical facility needs for our schools. Major modernization facility needs include HVAC replacement, adding classroom air conditioning, science classroom upgrades, plumbing and electrical infrastructure upgrades, and roof replacement. For additional information about our facility needs and modernization plans for each school, please visit our Facilities Master Plan page.
The district is implementing a new mobile communications device policy this year. Students are not permitted to use electronic communication devices (cell phones, smart watches etc.) during classroom instructional time. If parents need to contact students during the school day, please contact the school office. Students will be permitted to contact parents from the school office.
Finally, we have developed three districtwide “core beliefs” that will serve as a guide for our work this school year. These include the following: Impactful Actions – our shared actions and connections unlock student potential; Aligned Actions – we intentionally align actions to prioritize students’ needs; and Future Focused – we build proactive systems that anticipate and address student needs.
We look forward to partnering with our school families to provide the very best education for all students. The 2024-2025 school year promises to be an exciting year for our students and families!
Dr. Paul Sevillano, Superintendent

Dr. Paul Sevillano
(909) 336-4100 x105

Sue Reed
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
(909) 336-4100 x106
(909) 336-4163 FAX