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Snow Day Procedure

Snow Day Procedure

As we move into the winter months, the possibility of more snow becomes greater and therefore we thought it would be helpful to remind everyone about our snow procedures.

The decision to close Rim of the World Unified School District is usually made in the middle of the night as the district’s transportation and maintenance/operations departments’ personnel travels the district checking on the inadvisability of opening school buildings and road conditions in any one of our neighborhoods between Crestline and Green Valley. So, for example, should Running Springs have hazardous snow conditions a “snow day” would be called for the entire district and parents will be notified. We do not call a “snow day” for just one school site. The district monitors the weather very closely and if we feel the situation is deteriorating then a decision may be made to release middle school students in specific towns to go home at the elementary release time. This is a rare occurrence. Again, parents would be notified.

We thought you might also like to know that our buses are equipped with a “mountain package” and our drivers have specific training for these conditions. Travel on main roads is the determining factor for calling a snow day as these roads are maintained by the county.

The decision as to whether the district will be open is made on a day-to-day basis and communicated to staff and parents/caregivers using the following methods:

  • Internet Websites 
  • The School Telephone system
    • Households will be notified using our automated calling system so it is important that phone numbers for parents/caregivers are up to date at each school site and in the Aeries Parent Portal.
  • Media
    • The district’s website, and Facebook account will have “Snow Day” announcements. 
    • Although the district strives to make a decision regarding closure before 5:30 am, we are reliant upon obtaining internet access to be able to update the website and telephone system as well as weather conditions at that time, so there may be some delay.
    • Rainy and snowy days can also mean that school is open, teachers have prepared lessons, and students should be in school. We encourage attendance during these times and thank you for getting your student to school to assist the district in maintaining 95% average daily attendance.