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ROWUSD Mobile Communication Device Policy Information Meetings

Posted Date: 7/08/24 (1:30 PM)

Dear Parents / Guardians, 

I hope that you are enjoying your summer! I want to provide you with important information regarding a recent district policy change. At the June 27, 2024 Board meeting, a new Board Policy 5131.8 - Mobile Communication Devices policy was adopted and will take effect starting with the 2024-2025 school year. 

Board Policy 5131.8 restricts the use of mobile communication devices by students during instructional time. All student mobile communication devices are required to be deactivated at school during instructional time. Mobile communication devices include cell phones, smart watches, and other mobile communication devices. Use of mobile communication devices by students is permitted on campus only before and after school. The rational for this policy change is to minimize classroom disruptions and to protect valuable classroom instructional time. 

The research on limiting the use of student mobile communication devices at school is overwhelmingly positive. School districts that have limited the use of student mobile communication devices at school have seen increases in student achievement, reduced student anxiety rates, minimized classroom disruptions, and a reduction in negative student behaviors. 

We are asking for your support to implement this new policy for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. We are hosting parent informational meetings to review the policy and to address any questions that you may have about Board Policy 5131.8 Mobile Communication Devices. Please see the attached ROWUSD Board Policy 5131.8 for more detailed information.

Parent information meetings will take place on the following dates and locations: 

July 30, 2024, 6:00 PM, Rim High School PAC
August 1, 2024, 6:00 PM, MPH Cafeteria
August 6, 2024, 6:00 PM, Rim High School PAC
August 8, 2024, 6:00 PM, MPH Cafeteria

Dr. Paul Sevillano
Rim of the World Unified School District